weblog 2018
weblog archive 2016-2017



Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design and Digital Media, HAWK Hildesheim

Semester abroad, KyAMK Kouvola, Finland

Exhibition “Aphorismen – Die Lec’schen Gedanken”, group display with HAWK and Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw, Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum, Hildesheim

Bachelor's thesis »Das symbolische Markenzeichen — Über Art und Bedeutung des Symbolgehalts in der aktuellen Markenzeichengestaltung Deutschlands« (The symbolic trade mark — About type and meaning of symbols in Germany's contemporary brand design). Examiners: Prof. Dr. Sabine Foraita, Dr. Martin Scholz, 2011

Traineeship abroad, 5 month in a leading advertising and creative agency in Beijing, China

Scholarship by the GIZ (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit)

Master of Arts in Design (Design Theory), HAWK Hildesheim

Talk about China and Design with Heinz Thiel, Aula HAWK Hildesheim

Master's thesis »Dynamische Informationsvisualisierung — Zeitfluss, ein Applikationskonzept im Lehrbereich Zeitgeschichte für mobile Geräte« Dynamic information design — 'Zeitfluss', an application concept for mobile devices in the field of history teaching. Examiners: Prof. Dr. Sabine Foraita, Prof. Stefan Wölwer, 2013

‘Abendakademie’ (Evening Academy for Fine Arts) by Robert Schwark, Benjamin Dittrich, Claus Georg Stabe, Mandy Kunze and Eva Walker

Freelancer in painting, drawing and graphic design

- - - > Currently studying Painting and Graphic Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig (since autumn 2017)